Tempted by the Billionaire: A Hometown Hero Series Novel Read online

Page 7

  “Please,” she groaned, lifting her knees towards the ceilings and digging her feet into the soft bed linen. He was so close, she could feel him at the apex of her thighs. He could take her in a second; and she wanted him to. She hadn’t done anything so spontaneous in forever, and somehow, all of her worries and objections had been pushed aside by the fact that he was impossible to resist.

  He laughed again, and teased her, rotating his hips so that his erection pressed at her womanhood without providing any relief.

  “Matt,” she whimpered, lifting her fingers to his shoulders and digging in painfully. “Please.”

  It was a sob of desperation, but still, he smiled. Their patience was being tested. His, hers, they were both running out of time. But he was fighting against rushing this. Fighting a losing battle, it appeared, but he desperately didn’t want it to be over.

  He nudged at her entrance, intending only to tease her initially. But Willow arched her back, and lifted her body, and effortlessly, she guided him deeper into her core. Her body convulsed as his filled it; she moaned slowly, low and soft in her mouth, as his erection took possession of her. He was big, and he was hard, and she was tight and moist, and the moment was one of the most perfect of his life. He let out a guttural cry of completion as he felt his entire length become sheathed by her. Her muscles spasmed around him, welcoming him and tightening to incorporate him into her flesh.

  They moved as one, his body in line with hers as he began the slow, sensual beat of time immemorial. How many times had this dance been made, between two bodies in such harmony? Only surely never as perfectly; never with such total connection.

  As Willow began to tremble beneath him, he shifted a little, sensitising a different part of her body, pleasuring her differently; slowing her ultimate release but teasing out the range of her sensations in the process. She gasped for air as he moved again, this time, harder and faster, and he lifted his hands to cup her breasts. His fingers sought her nipples, stroking and pulling at them, while he moved within her, stirring her fire from deep in the pit of her being.

  When Willow thought she could take no more, he drove her over the edge. With a masterful degree of control, her sent her spinning into the abyss, and he held himself intact. He watched from heavy eyes, with ragged breathing, as her face contorted with pleasure and sweat beaded across her brow. Slowly, as her breathing began to return to normal, he moved with greater intensity, deeper inside of her, so that her eyes widened with surprise. His laugh was soft on the warm night air; her skin was softer.

  He ran his lips over her delicate shoulder, and then lower, to take a breast into his mouth. He circled her nipple with his tongue, then bit his teeth down on it lightly, laughing again when she shuddered with pleasure. But his control was slipping, and his fires were burning out of control.

  He kept one hand on the side of her face, reassuring her, as the tempo of their lovemaking threatened to march beyond their control. He pounded against her, hard, fast and desperately, and with each beat of his drum, she answered with a resounding cry of need. Higher and higher, her voice lifted as his need increased; and no matter how hard his body sought hers, she answered him eagerly. In fact, the more he demanded of her, the more she seemed to need. Her fingers dug into his flesh, almost drawing blood, as she sought any way to release the fire from her veins.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, but then realised that limited their movements, and made a sound of frustration. He shook his head in amusement, but his lips were compressed. He was rolling down a hill, unable to stop the inevitable release he would find at the bottom.

  He lowered his body against hers, so that every little bit of them was connected, and he kissed her with the same intensity that his body was demanding. His tongue duelled with hers in time with their bodies; taking and plundering, demanding and owning.

  Yes, he owned her. In that moment, at least, it felt like it. He had a soul-searing understanding that she would do anything he asked of her. And he knew the same was true in reverse too. He was hers.

  As his body began to release itself, he knew, for a blinding moment, pure, unadulterated pleasure. He kissed her harder, and he tangled his fingers with hers, while his body finally shook with the power of his release. She convulsed beneath him; their pleasure was in total unison, and it gave him an even greater impression of the perfection that was their union.

  Did she have any idea how amazing that had been for him? He slowed his kiss, without attempting to break their bodily contact. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. Not yet. His flesh was sensitive all over, and even her breathing was making his body respond anew.

  “Willow,” he exhaled against her mouth. She tasted like chilli and lime; like his chicken. It made him smile. That night, he had controlled all her senses, and he had liked that feeling.

  She stared up at him in awe. She was no prim virgin, but nor did she have an arsenal of bedroom experience. And she sure as hell hadn’t known it could be like that. Her cheeks flushed pink as she writhed beneath him and groaned. Every part of her felt sensitised. And despite the fact she’d just been given the greatest sexual pleasure of her life, she didn’t want it to be over. She wanted more. She wanted much, much more. Every lurid fantasy she’d ever possessed flashed before her. She shifted again, feeling his generous length inside of her, and she knew she wanted to take him in her mouth and taste him. That she wanted to kiss him all over. To sit on his lap, and feel him move within her.

  “You’re in Haymarket Bay a while, right?” She murmured quietly. She closed her eyes on a sigh, to let her body experience every moment of what they’d shared utterly and completely.

  “A while,” he agreed. If her eyes had been open, she might have seen the flicker of regret that crossed his expression. “Why?”

  “Because I want to do that a lot more.” She grinned, her eyes still shuttered against her cheeks.

  His heart turned over in surprise. “I think that can be arranged.”

  “I’m glad to hear you’re prepared to be so obliging.” Her eyes flashed open, as memory speared the moment with its penetrating blade. “Your marriage is definitely over, right?”

  He grimaced. “Definitely.”

  “Okay. Because I didn’t like being the ‘other woman’, and I never want to do that again. No matter how great the sex is.”

  He nodded with mock seriousness. “I understand. You are definitely not the other woman in my life, Willow. You are the only woman, and the woman of my dreams, it would appear.”

  Her heart turned over, and she warned herself from becoming too flattered by him. She’d become used to being naturally suspicious, and she liked it that way. After all, what was the risk of being hurt if you kept almost everyone at arm’s length?

  Now that Mattias had got through those defences though, Willow was thrilled. She lifted her legs higher, provocatively, smiling as his own face showed surprise. “I think I’d like to do this all night,” she said with a soft sigh.

  Mattias shook his head slowly, and cupped her face with both his hands. “I don’t know what I did to deserve meeting you, but I’m thanking every God, fate and angel that had a say in it.”

  She bit down on her lip. “Come with me,” she whispered, pushing up on her elbows and kissing his lips. She’d intended to use the kiss to break their bodily contact, but one touch of their tongues and she felt herself sag back to the mattress. “Actually, that can wait.” She arched her pelvis, and rotated it, smiling like the cat that’d got the cream when she felt him stir within her.

  “No one has ever made me feel like this,” she murmured huskily, running her hands down his sides, then back up again.

  “I’m pleased to hear it.” He gripped her hips, and before she could anticipate his intentions, he rolled onto his back, keeping her pinned against him. “I dreamed of you last night. Like this.”

  He lifted his hands to her dark hair and fanned it, so that it fell about her face. “You were moving over me, and I was inside you.
Like this.” He lifted his back, and she gasped when she felt that he was again fully erect. He filled her more completely than she’d known possible, and she pushed her hips downward to meet his sensory invasion head on.

  “You dreamed of me?” She asked on a gasp of air.

  He dug his hands into her hips, and with his strength, he lifted her body, then brought her down on him again. He grinned wolfishly as her cheeks pinkened, and he could see pleasure overtaking her. He lifted his hands then, to her breasts, and this time, when he touched her nipples, he was not gentle. He tugged at them in time with the beat of their sensual dance, and as beads of perspiration broke out on her brow, he lifted himself higher.

  But it wasn’t enough. He wanted to possess her completely. She was his perfect match as a lover, but still he wanted more. He was curious as to how far their compatibility went.

  He moved his hands back to her hips, and lifted her off him, smiling at her groan of complaint. “Please don’t stop,” she whimpered, her eyes enormous and dark in her face.

  He made a small sound of promise and hopped off her bed. He pulled her by her ankles, and then coaxed her onto her stomach. Then, he pulled her legs again, lowering her off the bed.

  Wordlessly, he positioned her so that her wrists alone rested on the mattress. Her feet were on the floor, and the rest of her body made a perfect right angle. Her trusting nature served as a great aphrodisiac. Like he needed one.

  He stood behind her, and took a brief moment to run his hands over her body. He moulded his hands around her breasts; though they were neat, they were heavy enough to hang downwards in his palms. He flicked one of her nipples with his forefinger, then ran his hands lower and lower still. One hand he left free to explore the entrance of her womanhood, teasing the most sensitive skin there. Her harsh intake of breath told him he’d found a trigger for her desire, and he strummed it ceaselessly, building wave after wave of pleasure in her body.

  While she turned to jelly at his touch, he moved his other hand to her rear. Like her breasts, it was neat and rounded. She groaned and pushed backwards, seeking him. Inviting him. He used the same hand to part her legs, separating them just enough so that he could move his arousal through her legs and to her front, to dip inside of her, thrusting in one powerful movement deep within her.

  She cried out as her whole body began to shake and tremble, and when she went to straighten, he kept a hand against her neck, holding her while he drove himself into her again and again. She was perfect, and her body engulfed him, and her muscles were tight around his length in a way he couldn’t explain.

  Again and again, he plundered her, and she pushed herself backwards demanding more and more. Finally, as he felt himself tip over yet again into the edge of humanity, he brought his hands to cup her breasts and he gripped them roughly as they exploded together. His domination of her was something he knew he would never want to live without.

  For Willow was fierce and spirited, but when they were in bed, she was completely his to control.

  He’d never felt anything greater; and he was not prepared to give the pleasure up.

  “You wanted to take me somewhere,” he reminded her gently, moving both hands to her arse, cupping her cheeks and digging his fingers into the flesh. Though spent, he jerked inside of her, and he knew he could have her again. That he could probably have her endlessly. She was magical. Some kind of sexual quicksand.

  Willow eased herself up from the bed and gingerly stepped away from him. When she turned to face him, he was thrilled to see her smile at him. Not shy. No. Her smile was beaming. And his heart turned over with gratitude. He’d been worried she might have regretted the intensity of their lovemaking. That she hadn’t understood that great sex was a power unto itself.

  “Yes. Come with me.” She linked her fingers in his and pulled him, naked, back into the lounge room of her house.

  He was too distracted by the spectacular view of her unclothed form, walking elegantly in front of him, to notice that she was leading him outside. Only the burst of balmy sea air made him do a double take. “Where exactly are we going?” He enquired silkily, as she pulled him along the back of her house, towards a separate building.

  “My space,” she said, as though that explained everything.

  She opened a slatted timber door that was framed on all sides by lattice. A green vine grew over it, creating a sort of room. And inside, was a hot tub. On one side, there was a break in the vines, affording a view of the glistening ocean.

  “This is where I come to think, when I hit a bit of a story block,” she explained, pressing a button and bringing the hot tub to life. “And I only used it earlier today, so it’s still warm.” She grinned across at him. “Join me?”

  “You kidding?” He demanded ironically, watching as she slipped her slender body into the bubbling water. “In a New York minute.”

  Now, Willow looked shy, he realised with a grin. Her smile was cute, her eyes flying to his before flicking away again just as quickly. “It must seem a bit self-indulgent, to have this hot tub with this view,” she said finally, her laugh self-conscious.

  “Self-indulgent?” He prompted curiously, thinking of his own fifth avenue penthouse, and the bathroom that had a king size spa with views over Manhattan and the park.

  “Yeah. It’s a far cry from how I grew up.” She blinked at him. “It was the first thing I put in when I moved here. A little bit of luxury after everything screwed up with Ashton.”

  “The married guy,” he said with a fierce clenching in his gut.

  She nodded, and ran her fingertip along the top of the Jacuzzi. “Yeah.” She looked at him again, her eyes enormous in her face. Her long hair was wet from shoulder length down, hanging in tendrils around her face. “I wanted to spoil myself a bit. So I had this built. It’s how I met Ike and Anna. All that noise I was making, they were curious about what the heck I was doing.”

  He looked in the direction of their friends’ house, though it was concealed from sight by the green vines. “Ike was probably jealous as hell.”

  “Yeah, a little bit.” She grinned, then, as she stared across at him, his handsome face silhouetted by the pale husk of moonlight, she sobered. “So your marriage is really over?”


  “And that’s really okay with you?”

  He shifted in the Jacuzzi, so that he could put a hand on her knee, beneath the swirling, warm water. “Yes.” His pale blue eyes sought hers, and he lanced her questioning gaze, reassuring her that Meghan was a distant memory to him. He squeezed her flesh, and his body filled with sensual memories. He swallowed forcibly, and a muscled flexed in his cheek. “Why is this different to your childhood?” He asked, circling in on something she’d said earlier.

  Willow frowned. “It’s so… I don’t know.” She smiled and shrugged at the same time. “My house was a block from the ‘L’ train. The neighbourhood was the pits. My mom’s a hairdresser and dad’s a mailman. They did the best they could but it wasn’t always easy for them to get by.” Her smile broadened. “That’s why I love books so much. Our TV broke when I was seven, and they couldn’t afford a new one. So I read. And I read. And I never stopped.”

  Something seemed to click inside of him as he listened to her recount her upbringing. “Your parents sound like they gave you what you needed most.”

  “Yes,” she nodded quickly. “Mom wasn’t an especially big reader herself, but she saw that I had the beginnings of a real book worm. So she signed me up to the local library, and she took me there whenever I wanted. At first, we went every Saturday morning. Then, it was three or four times a week. Finally, dad was picking up books for me in between times. I was a voracious reader. Looking back, it kept me out of a lot of trouble. Kids on my block were into all sorts of crap, but I always made excuses.”

  “To get home to your books?” He teased softly.

  She nodded. “Does that sound stupid?”

  “Not at all.” He cleared his throat. “And writ

  She reclined against the Perspex frame. “All the time.” She bit down on her lower lip, as she thought back through time. “I wrote short stories as a small child. Terrible, and always along the same lines. A valiant child princess who would save the world from an evil master.”

  “Let me guess; her name was Willow?”

  “Winona,” she responded with an impish grin. “My bookish alter ego.” She laughed at the memory.

  “But that’s the kind of book you write now, isn’t it?”

  “I suppose it is. I’ve always loved rescue adventures.”

  “I really would like to read one.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. “You would?”

  “Of course. Why not?”

  “I guess you don’t strike me as much of a book person.”

  His laugh was a rumble, from deep in his chest. “I don’t, huh?”

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  “I hate to say it, but you’re wrong. So can I read one?”

  She bit down on her lip. “Sure. Remind me and I’ll get you a copy later.”

  He arched a brow. “Later?”

  She flushed to the roots of her hair, then laughed. “Okay, fine. After I’ve had my way with you again.” She surprised him by crossing the water quickly and straddling him in the hot tub. He groaned as she brought her feminine core close to him. He swivelled his hips, his eyes locked to hers.

  “I’m glad you changed your mind about us.”

  “You sort of changed it for me,” she said with a wink.

  He laughed, a husky sound deep in his throat. “Then I’m glad you let me.”

  She stared in his eyes, and lifted a hand to his hair. “So am I.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him lightly, and her pulse immediately whooshed up a gear. She ran her fingers across his chest, teasing his skin with her nails. She swallowed as she thought of the importance of what she was about to say. “I honestly had no clue sex could be like that.”

  His eyes scanned her face, his expression thoughtful. “Besides Ashton, how many men have you been with?”